
Acerro, Heather, Adrienne Allen, Cheryl Bartel, DarLynn Nemitz, and Dana Vinke, "Image of Libraries in Popular Culture." New York University.

Bowes, Barry. Between the Stacks. London: Landesman, 1979: 7. [LibraryThing] [WorldCat] [Amazon]

Brewerton, Antony. "Wear lipstick, have a tattoo, belly-dance, then get naked: The making of a virtual librarian." Impact: Journal of the Career Development Group, 2:10 (1999)

Cole, Maureen, ed. "Lively Librarians Loose in the Limelight: Libraries in Popular Media." OLA Quarterly. Spring 2008

Low, Kathleen. Casanova was a Librarian. Jefferson NC: McFarland Publishing, 2007

Miller, William, and Rita Pellen, eds. The Reference Librarian. Philadelphia: Haworth Press, Inc.

Rochkind, Jonathan. "Brain Drain?" Bibliographic Wilderness, February 4, 2008

Seale, Maura. "Old Maids, Policemen, and Social Rejects: Mass Media Representations and Public Perceptions of Librarians," Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 9:1 (Spring 2008)


Sites are listed in the order that they appear in the book.

Marathon County Public Library at LISNews (for a starting point, leads to many Wausau Daily Herald entries)

Real Job Titles for Librarians and Information Science Professionals (Michelle Mach)

US Bureau of Labor Statistics:


Brain Drain? (Bibliographic Wilderness)

New Breed Librarian

Wear lipstick, have a tattoo, belly-dance, then get naked: The making of a virtual librarian. (Impact: Journal of the Career Development Group)

Image of Libraries in Popular Culture


Library Journal's NextGen column (search for "NextGen")

Libraries, Archives, Museums and Popular Culture Area (Popular Culture Association)

Librarian Sexuality sites (warning: adult content)

Facebook sites